99 tweets later: lessons from a Twitter newbie

He had a headstart (2011). But if the POTUS can do it, I can, too! By Pete Souza (whitehouse.gov) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

He had a headstart (2011). But if the POTUS can do it, I can, too! By Pete Souza (whitehouse.gov) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Is a milestone tweet nearing? Do I have epic knowledge to impart?

All in 140 characters?

I wish. All I know is that, as a cross between a Dummies and Idiot newcomer, I’ve decided to learn Twitter by doing. On April 24, I vowed to avoid being a Twitter twit, sending my first declaration via @tomowenswriter.

I share once a day, trying to offer smiles, confessions or other snarky asides. I like to think of myself as the supermarket sample man. My mini-missives are literary cheese cubes on toothpicks.

Most of all, I wanted to be a citizen of Twitterville before arriving with my next published book. I see the Tweety panic, the “my new book came out yesterday, buy NOW NOW NOW!” I do mention each of my blogs, but try to honk my PR horn only each third or fourth day.

I’m watching and studying. I hope today’s friends might be book readers in future years. Meanwhile, I’m having fun. I didn’t get here on my own. If my shared experience helps someone else’s creative journey, I’ll be one happy bird.

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